Scouts of America
Scuba BSA introduces qualified Scouts BSA, Venturing, and registered adult participants to the special skills, equipment, and safety precautions associated with scuba diving; encourages aquatics activities that promote fitness and recreation; and provides a foundation for those who later will participate in more advanced underwater activity.
The Scuba BSA experience contains two parts— Knowledge Development and Water Skills Development. During the first part, participants learn basic dive safety information and overview skills to be used during their water experience. The Water Skills Development session introduces essential dive skills, such as mask clearing, regulator clearing, and alternate air source use. The Scuba BSA program is conducted in clear, confined water by an instructor certified by diving organizations recognized by the BSA. Completion of Scuba BSA requirements sets the stage for additional training but does not qualify the participant to dive independently, either in confined water or open-water environments. Scuba BSA is not a diver certification.